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“What's your specialty?”
Dialogue seen during the first half of the Selection 10 Unit Project campaign where idols answer what their strong points are in order to help players decide which song to vote them into.
“I get a buncha compliments fer havin' choreography only I'm capable of doin', so I always wanna do my darndest t' show y'all new performances.”
“I strive to always deliver precise and perfect performances. No matter what I must do, that fact remains a never-changing constant.”
Summer 5 Voicelines
The 5th round of summer voicelines, added in 2024.
“It sure is humid out... Take care o' yerself 'n be real careful not t' end up in a bad way, Producer.”
“Naru-chan asked me if I wanna go an' try out her new gelato. I'm so excited, I can't wait. ♪”
“What if I made somethin' like a yukata or a jinbei that y'can feel a nice breeze in? I think it'd be fun t' wear that an' go to a festival with everyone. ♪”
“The other day, I ate in a restaurant on a ship with Oshi-san. Apparently that kinda thing is popular in Paris right now.”
“It is rather disheartening with how hot even the morning is... I will move myself to a cooler location so that I may concentrate on my work.”
“I must ensure that Kagehira is using insect repellant and taking proper precautions against sunburn. ...Hmph. It is only natural that my planned countermeasures are flawless. Don't you agree?”
“There appears to be much variation in styles of shaved ice. I was stunned when I saw a flashy-looking one in a storefront the other day.”
“If you wish to know what Paris summers are like, you should experience them firsthand rather than simply listen to me talk about them. I shall provide you with a tour.”
9th Anniversary Login Bonus
Dialogue seen upon login during the 9th anniversary campaign in 2024.
“The preparations for today's stage were flawless, as well. We shall captivate our audience with only the finest of art... ♪”
“Yeah, I'm feelin' fired up today, too. I'll put all I've got into it for all the fans who came out here.”
“I received a buncha letters fer the live that came from far away. I'll make sure t' do my very best. ♪”
“It looks like the kids from my hometown're lookin' forward to it, too. I'll go all out t' show 'em the best show possible!”
Spring 5 Voicelines
The 5th round of spring voicelines, added in 2024.
“Nnah~ Y'know what they say about sleepin' in spring 'till dawn an' all that, it really is just like that. I guess people from a long time ago got sleepy durin' spring, too.”
※ Mika is referencing the phrase「春眠暁を覚えず」which means "in spring, one sleeps so well that they don't even notice the arrival of dawn." But Mika forgot the second half of the phrase, so he just says「春眠暁」.
“I had boiled nanohana fer lunch today. It looks pretty, an' I like how it tastes just a lil' bitter. ♪”
“Oshi-san sent me a picture of some spring-like clothes Mado-nee got. Aren't they cute?”
“Night's still kinda chilly, so ya might wanna put on a jacket. You be careful too, okay, Producer?”
“It's been cold until just recently, but it seems to have warmed up almost instantly. The spring weather feels very pleasant.”
“Kiryuu keeps pestering me about why I'm not going outside despite the weather being so nice. Even though how I spend my time is entirely of my own volition.”
“I had an idea for Valkyrie's next stage that's inspired by cherry blossoms. Are you interested in hearing more?”
“Spring is also a time of year where it's easy to fall ill. Girl, ensure that you take care regarding the difference in temperature between day and night.”
Old vs. New 5★ Scouting Voicelines
These voicelines were replaced following the game's 9th anniversary in 2024.
Old: “I'll show ya the best art, just like Oshi-san!”
New: “With art that's mine an' mine alone, I'll keep on chasin' after Oshi-san!”
Old: “I shall captivate you. This is what it means to experience my art.”
New: “Art is a clash between two souls. I wonder if you're truly prepared to take on my art?”
Updated Profiles
Updated profiles for the new in-universe year following the game's 9th anniversary in 2024.
Mika Kagehira
Height: 172cm (+1)
Weight: 55kg (+1)
Blood Type: B
Birthday: 12/26
Hobbies: Collecting junk, Creating art
Skills: Sewing, Fixing things up, Cat's cradle
※ Collecting junk as in collecting odds and ends that others may find worthless.
Having had fervent admiration for Shu Itsuki's artwork in the past, he is now in the process of pursuing his own form of art. He has a gentle disposition, but there are times when his nature as a natural airhead comes out. His ability to focus is sometimes showcased when he's making an effort to improve himself. He has a gracefully tender singing voice and performances that are elegant while still standing out from the crowd. He is a member of Valkyrie at COSMIC PRODUCTION. He aims to be an idol who can present the best art possible to the world for the sake of making children smile. He's still weak in many areas, so he's started doing things such as cooking in order to overcome those weaknesses.
“No matter who it is—no one wants t' feel sad. Not a single person livin' on this earth.”
※ This quote is from Raison d'être: The Nameless Girl / 14.
Shu Itsuki
Height: 177cm
Weight: 60kg (+1)
Blood Type: A
Birthday: 10/30
Hobbies: Attending art exhibitions & galleries, Socializing with artists, Exercising
Skills: Sewing, Lacework
Seeking to transform what it means to be an idol by using the fine arts. Currently active in France incorporating a global perspective into his work. He has a meticulous and neurotic disposition. He is often short-tempered and impassioned, but sometimes glimpses of kindness can be seen. His singing voice is powerfully extravagant, and his performances are calculated to the most minute of details. He is the leader of Valkyrie at COSMIC PRODUCTION. While in pursuit of the most supreme form of art, his goal is also to grow and evolve as a human being while trying to broaden his own range of expression. He reinterprets performances on TV and in other video productions as sources of inspiration.
“I will sift out all that is impure and carry only what is beautiful and of value to heaven.”
※ This quote is from Milky Way: Sunshine Following the Rain / 2.
White Day Voicelines
Obtained as rewards in the 2024 campaign.
“D'ya wanna go somewhere with me next time? As thanks fer Valentine's Day, I found a store I'd like t' visit with ya. ♪ Nfufu, 'm lookin' forward to it~”
“You assisted me on Valentine's Day. As a token of my gratitude, I made some clothing tailored to suit you. Naturally, it is only the most sublime of outfits, not the least of which is due to my personal selection of its fine fabrics. Please treasure it. ♪”
Valentine's Cards
Released in 2024 as part of a Twitter campaign.
“Thank ya kindly fer sendin' me a message! 'M real happy t' be able t' get such a nice message... ♪ I'll keep on doin' my best from here on out, so please look after me~ ♪”
“Thank you for the message. I'm grateful to be sent support like this. From now on, I promise to continue delivering unto you art that will exceed your expectations.”