raspberryjams' translations site.
Refer to the list below for how you can use my translations.
Method of crediting: Mention my username (@raspberrytls) or link to my site (raspberrytls.github.io), Twitter (twitter.com/raspberrytls), or Tumblr (raspberrytls.tumblr.com).
- Do not use my translations to translate into another language. It's very easy for things to get lost in translation this way.
- Do not repost full translations anywhere. Screenshots are okay.
- Do not modify the contents of my translations in any way, including changing the text in a screenshot for the purpose of making something fake appear real.
- Screenshot my translations for things such as reaction posts. Credit is appreciated for these so that others may find the translation, and it's even better if you quote retweet my original post directly [ I love seeing people's reactions :) ]
- Use my translations in fanworks such as quote bots, analyses, and art as long as there's credit (you can mention my username).
- Use my translations for videos as long as there's visible credit on screen at all times whenever the translation appears. Do not, however, use my lyrics translations for videos, as I intend to make (or already have made) videos for them myself.
- Ask permission to link my translations on public masterlists.