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Unit | Album | Release |
Valkyrie | Valkyrie "Acanthe" ES Idol Song Season 2 | May 2022 |
Proofreading: 310mc
Lyrics/Composition: Kanon Wakeshima
Arrangement: Naoki "naotyu" Chiba
• ━━━━ ⚘ ━━━━ •
The Parfum of spring has been called upon to rouse me—1
Our love long imprisoned within recollections and memories
Once again, you awaken to the enlightenment of life2
Something is faintly stirring—
I catch a glimpse of hope
My singing voice, dancing on the wind like flower petals
My time-worn
Feelings are in full, unceasing bloom
As fragrance fills the air,
I yearn for even a drop of it
While awaiting my decay into obscurity,3
Adoration and fantasy
Are what you long for,
Sleeping Hermitage
Someday, I'll breathe life into your heart with a kiss,
Time and time again, for eternity4
The Lumiere of spring is a steadfast warmth that won't ever vanish
Passing through the glass, our then-disrupted moment
Revolves thrice5
Our encounters are fate itself
Your singing voice that’s now budding
Your perpetual
Feelings still linger in the air
Is what fills the future we dream of
A rust-covered,
Crumbling solitude—
Embracing it
Is the meaning of Hermitage
Someday, I'll hold that someone in my arms
That there is no end to the changing seasons;
That even without speaking, I still have a soul—
So that we may convey it,
This open seam—
Let's gently tie it together
That reminiscent
Lingering fragrance—treat it with tenderness,
As aforetime's
Love had adorned it6
These scars, too,
Are proof of us having survived that era
Even if you wither away, I will never forget you7
No matter if your singing voice dies out;
No matter how many times this repeats;
No matter if your feelings fade away,
I will give you the spring
And continue this cycle of love,
Each time with a kiss that will breathe life into your heart, for eternity
• ━━━━ ⚘ ━━━━ •
※ I use the "I" and "You" pronouns a lot, but there is no actual reference to them in the lyrics. It's simply my interpretation of some of the lines being spoken by the artist or doll in the song's story and directed at the other. Shu represents the artist and Mika the doll, but in most of the lines, they're both just acting as narrators.
- ↑“To rouse” (目覚める) can mean awaken in the sense of “becoming conscious of something,” i.e. the doll “awakening” to the enlightenment of life.
- ↑呼び起こす can mean to wake someone up, but also to cause someone to remember something, or to evoke something within someone that they may have forgotten. This is also why I included “Once again,” to fit with the idea that this has happened before and will happen again, as per the “repeating” of one's love across eternity.
- ↑朽ち can mean decay in the sense of one’s life wasting away and being forgotten with time.
- ↑I interpreted the を particle to mean “across the span of eternity,” and given the theme of “repeating one's love,” I take it as them doing something over and over again, for eternity.
- ↑This line literally means “makes a movement three times,” so the type of movement is vague. I see it as that moment/encounter being repeated three times as if it were revolving around a clock face.
- ↑愛情 refers to romantic love.
- ↑The withering here refers to the type of decay plants experience as they die, especially due to winter.