Mika Kagehira's Birthday 2023 / Birthday Moment 1

Mika: ...(Sitting on the sofa while swaying restlessly back and forth.)
Mika: Nnah~. I can't calm down at all.
Shu: Good grief. Your movements are noisy. Kagehira, calm yourself a little.
SELECT: What's wrong...?
Mika: Nnah~, Anzu-chan. There's gonna be a birthday party fer me today. What if no one shows up...?
Shu: What a foolish thing to think about. I will always attend without fail, and besides, your friends will also surely come. Act with dignity.
SELECT: Happy birthday!
Mika: Ah, good morni~n, Anzu-chan. ♪ Thank ya kindly fer the congratulations.
Mika: Nfufu, a lotta people've said that t' me today. It's kinda itchy-feelin'... ♪