Mika Kagehira's Birthday 2023 / Night of the Birthday / Second Part 3

Mika: Thank ya a whole lot fer today. It was the best birthday I ever could'a had. ♪
Mika: I was also real happy that I got t' spend the whole day with Oshi-san. I'm glad I got t' have fun at the party with everyone.
Mika: Also, getting to see the starry sky with ya afterwards was a good memory. ♪
SELECT: Why don't we look at it together with everyone next time?
Mika: Good idea. I wanna invite Oshi-san an' Naru-chan an' everyone else.
Mika: It'd be so fun if we all wrapped ourselves in blankets while stargazin'. Nfufu, 'm lookin' forward to it. ♪