Shu Itsuki's Birthday 2024 / Birthday Morning 1

Shu: (Mm? It looks like I've received a message. The sender is...)
Shu: (It was Kagehira after all. Him sending me such a long congratulatory message filled with so much vigor like this... Well, I don't particularly mind it.)
Shu: I suppose I'll send him a thank you message in return.
SELECT: Good morning.
Shu: Young girl? Come to think of it, you're expected at the photo shoot today, as well. It's good to exercise due diligence and arrive at the location early.
Shu: Given enough spare time, one may approach their work with flexibility.
SELECT: Happy birthday!
Shu: Non! You'll scare people if you call out so abruptly like that!
Shu: ...No, I'm not saying that I'm not thankful for your congratulations. It's appreciated.