Drawing Out Sourire / Chapter 1
Characters: Leo, Mika, Shu

Mika: Sorry t' keep ya waitin', Anzu-chan.
Mika: Ya weren't waitin' long at all? I'm glad, then.
Mika: Ah, did'ya get some drinks ready too? Thank ya kindly. ♪
Mika: So what did ya wanna talk with me about? New work?
Mika: Nnah? It's Oshi-san's turn fer a Feature Live?!
Mika: Gotcha~! So I finally get t' see Oshi-san's solo live. I've been lookin' forward to it fer a long time now, so I'm real happy. ♪
Mika: Hm? Ya want help comin' up with an idea this time, too?
Mika: Now that'cha mention it, when it was time fer Oshi-san's exclusive outfit, ya came t' ask how I would have him dressed.
Mika: ...Anzu-chan, maybe you'll come up with some ideas fer the stage this time too, an' Oshi-san can choose one?
Mika: ...
Mika: Nnah~... I might be puttin' ya out by sayin' somethin' so selfish, Anzu-chan, but...

Mika: Can't ya have Oshi-san make his Feature Live by himself, completely from scratch?
Mika: There wasn't enough time or much of a budget fer the exclusive outfit, right? So we thought up an idea together, an' Oshi-san finished it up.
Mika: 'Course, that was also super pretty.
Mika: It was real excitin' t' see the idea we came up with turn out t' be even more amazin' when left in Oshi-san's hands than I ever coulda imagined.
Mika: But... It's cause'a this that I wanna see Oshi-san make his solo live completely on his own, with his own two hands, from start to finish.
Mika: ...Anzu-chan? Will ya do what I'm sayin'?
Mika: There's more time t' spare this time 'round... D'ya also wanna see Oshi-san make his solo live from scratch?
Mika: It’s just a selfish request o’ mine, but is there any chance you’ll hear me out?

Mika: 'M so happy ya said that, Anzu-chan! Fer real, thank ya so much... ♪
Mika: Oh, of course. If ya run into any kinda mess, I'll help ya out, so just lemme know, okay?
Mika: Even though there's a lot more time than before, 'm sure Oshi-san'll have plenty of demands this time, too.
Mika: I know 's a lot t' handle, but please look after Oshi-san. ♪

Shu: Hello, little girl? I was just looking over the material you sent me for the Feature Live.
Shu: But... Is this all of it?
Shu: You attached the concept materials for the exclusive outfit last time, but they are missing here.
Shu: Instead, there is a list of stages that can be recreated based on the scale of previous Valkyrie performances and the planned budget...
Shu: Hm? Unlike with the exclusive outfit, we have some time before the Feature Live?
Shu: So rather than do it how we did last time, you opted to consult with me on the kind of solo live I want to perform.
Shu: I understand your line of thinking. In other words, I can create the stage as I’d like from scratch.
Shu: Fortunately, I have no pressing work or group exhibitions coming up on my agenda. It appears that I’m able to dedicate all of my time to the Feature Live.
Shu: ...I know that there are limits to funding and time without you reminding me.
Shu: Sigh. Time and money are both inextricably linked to the continuation of my artistic endeavors.
Shu: ...However, the creation of wonderful art necessitates paying a corresponding price.

Shu: Knowing this, you still wish to see the Feature Live produced by I, Shu Itsuki?
Shu: If that’s the case, then I am just responding to those feelings.
Shu: We can discuss the details after I return to Japan on the weekend. In the meantime, I’ll put together some ideas.
Shu: ...Hm? Is there anything else?
Shu: Ahh. The shoot for the brochure. I will think of a concept for that too.
Shu: Then, I should get back to work.
Shu: ...What is it? If you have more to say, do so quickly.
Shu: "I hope I can learn a lot from you this time too?"
Shu: Hmph. I am telling you this now, but I will not be handholding you through every step.
Shu: If you want to learn, learn from observing. Please be sure not to get in my way.
Shu: Okay. I’ll end the call here.
Shu: (A Feature Live, huh. Despite all the restrictions, being able to hold a solo live is a valuable thing.)
Shu: (What’s more, she said that this time, they are willing to accommodate my requests to an extent. I cannot let this incredible opportunity pass me by.)
Shu: Kakaka. Let’s start coming up with ideas.

Leo: Wahaha! ☆ For some reason, Shu looks so happy~!
Shu: Gyaah?!
Leo: Woah! I wonder when's the last time I've seen Shu so surprised like that?
Leo: Ah, it's been a long time since I’ve felt inspiration gushing out like this! Gimme a moment, I'll write it down right now!
Shu: Tsukinaga! How long have you been here?!
Shu: Or rather, if you are here, you should give me a proper greeting! How childish of you to surprise people and then laugh at their reactions!

Leo: Ah~, you used to get angry like that a lot when I first started coming here! Yeah yeah, there’s a nostalgic feel to this melody... ♪
Shu: As usual, you still don’t listen to a word I say, do you...
Shu: Enough of that. I suppose you have no particular reason for coming today, again.
Leo: I did have a reason, though~? I came for some Shu-style inspiration! And now that I’ve got some, I'm satisfied!
Shu: Good for you. If you’re done with your business, go home. I want to concentrate on my work.
Leo: Is that the live or whatever that you were talking about on the phone just now? I guess your partner is Anzu~?
Shu: Somehow, it’s not a live show, but a Feature Live.
Leo: Hm~? Have I heard about that somewhere?
Shu: Maybe so. Well, if it doesn’t ring a bell, I suppose your turn is yet to come.
Shu: ...No. In your case, it is more likely that you just forgot.
Shu: To put it simply, it is my solo live.

Leo: So it's not a stage for Michael and Shu, but a stage for Shu alone~! [1]
Leo: This is great! I can feel so much inspiration coming forth!
Shu: While I’m flattered by your expectations, I am simply pursuing my art as I've always had.
Leo: Yeah, and I think that's great. Since it's always interesting to see what you make.
Leo: Your work has changed over the past year, and I'm looking forward to seeing how your live will turn out when done all on your own!
Shu: Naturally. Like you, I have been influenced in various ways by this foreign land.
Shu: I have improved my techniques and expanded my range of expression. This Feature Live will truly be the perfect chance to showcase that.
Leo: Yeah. I'm rooting for you, too~
Leo: Well, I'm guessing the hardest part will be Anzu having to work with you, Shu. Since you care so much about all the tiny details.
Shu: I cannot allow even the slightest flaw in the creations I bring forth. An artist must be particular about such things.
Shu: (...In any case, if any progress is to be made, it will be necessary to communicate with the little girl.)
Shu: (Even if it is just for peace of mind, it is best that I do what I can.)
- "Michael" (ミカエル) is how Leo refers to Mika (みか).