It’s a Rowdy Day Off
Characters: Ritsu, Rei, Mika
Note: I do recommend reading this translation alongside the story in-game, since the audio makes it funnier.

Mika: Uhhm, is it really alright if I use the foodstuffs in the fridge?
Mika: Naru-chan told me how things work in the dorms, but...
Ritsu: Mi~karin ♪

Mika: WaaAAAAAH?! I- I ain't used it! I still ain't used it yet?!
Mika: It was just Ritsu-kun? Ya gave me a right fright callin' out all'a sudden like that...
Ritsu: Fufu. You always have the best reactions when I surprise you, Mikarin.
Ritsu: Why were you sticking your head in the fridge like that? Are you looking for lunch too?
Mika: Yep. I got hungry, so I figured I'd make somethin'. ‘S just that...
Mika: When I first moved here, Naru-chan told me it's fine t' use whatever foodstuffs' in the fridge, but...
Mika: I always get scared whenever I go t' use anything...
Ritsu: Mikarin is such a worrywart. It’s fine — you’re welcome to use the stuff in there as you like.
Ritsu: By the way, if you can, could you make me some lunch too?
Mika: I don't really mind doin' that, but...
Mika: Cookin's never really been my strong suit...? My favorite foods tend t' be a bit burnt, too.
Ritsu: It’s fine. I’ll be right next to you, giving instructions.

Mika: Ritsu-kun, whaddya think?
Ritsu: Yeah, it was delicious. A home cooked meal by Mikarin ♪ And the best part is, I didn’t even need to lift a finger.
Mika: I see~ ♪ I'm glad ya liked it.
Mika: Yer instructions were easy t' follow, an' I got t' learn a bunch from ya too.
Ritsu: Fufufu. Despite how I come off, I am a strategist.
Ritsu: That aside, it’s a bit strange to see you here in Starmony Dorms, isn’t it?
Ritsu: Though it’s been a while since we became roommates, you always seem busy. I think you only stay in the room at night.
Mika: Nnah~. Lately I've been busy with stuff like movin' an' workin'.
Mika: I don't have any work today, so I figured I'd take it easy.
Mika: 'S just, I don't really get how yer sposed t' go about livin' with people in a dorm...
Ritsu: I can tell. Even in our room, you’re pretty tense, aren’t you?
Ritsu: The reason you came here to make lunch is because you didn’t want to disturb me while I was sleeping, right? Even though we have a kitchen in our room too.
Mika: Uu, fergive me. 'S not like I don't feel comfortable 'round ya, Ritsu-kun...
Ritsu: I get it. It’s a new environment, so you’re not totally comfortable in it yet, huh?
Ritsu: Though, you’re going to be living in the dorms for a while, wouldn’t it be hard on you if things stayed like this forever?
Ritsu: ...That’s right. If you’re having trouble adjusting to dorm life, I’ll just have to teach you how ♪

Ritsu: Fuaah...♪
Ritsu: As expected, chilling in your room is the best, don’t you think?
Mika: ...Th-that's right.
Ritsu: Mikarin, relax, relax~♪
Ritsu: Ooh, lemme see. You’re almost done with your sewing?
Mika: Yeah. I decided t' fix up this little guy's clothes today...
Mika: (...Ritsu-kun says it's good t' spend yer time doin' things you like, so I've been sewin' an' puttin' together all my ideas.)
Mika: (But I still can't calm down... Why?)
SFX: [phone tone]

Mika: Nnah—?! Yer phone made a noise...?
Ritsu: Oh, you’re right... Ah, Maa~kun contacted me~♪
Mika: Is Ikkun workin' today?
Ritsu: Yeah. He’s filming a variety show with his unit.
Ritsu: ....“I’m enjoying my time off with Mikarin.”
Ritsu: “I can’t wait to see Maa~kun soon, too~ When you come back, please spoil me lots”...There we go ♪
Mika: Ya really do love Ikkun, Ritsu-kun.
Ritsu: Yeah. Even though I feel this way, Maa~kun would leave me to go off on his own, it’s like he doesn’t even realize he’s supposed to be MY underling. [1]
Ritsu: And so, to fill this lonely void in my life, please spoil me, Mikarin ♪
Mika: Yep, I'll spoil ya as much as ya want~ ♪ There, there...
SFX: [phone tone]
Mika: Wait, Ritsu-kun. Didja get another text on yer phone?
Ritsu: Hm? ...This time, it’s from Nacchan. Looks like she just arrived at her shoot’s location.
Ritsu: She sent a photo into the “Knights” group chat.
Mika: Ooh... They're at a real fancy lookin' store. Naru-chan seems t' like that sorta thing.
Ritsu: Fufu. As you may have guessed, Nacchan was looking forward to today’s shoot location.
Ritsu: She was really excited about buying lots of souvenirs, I’m looking forward to it ♪
SFX: [knocking on door]
Mika: Nnah? What's it this time...?
Ritsu: We don’t usually have people come directly to our room. Who the heck could it be?
Mika: I'll take a look!
SFX: [footsteps]
Ritsu: ......
Mika: Yes ye~s. Gimme a second t' open the door~
SFX: [door opening]

Rei: Ohh, it’s Kagehira-kun. Hello. Is my beloved Ritsu here—
Ritsu: Go away.
SFX: [door shutting] [2]

Mika: Nnhyah, Ritsu-kun?! Since when didja show up in front o' the door?!
Mika: Or more like, ya shut the door as hard as ya could, but just now yer older brother was... It was Sakuma-senpai?!
Ritsu: ...What are you talking about, Mikarin? I didn’t see anyone at the door.
Mika: No, I coulda sworn he was? ...He was there, right?
SFX: [banging on door]
Rei: Why did you close the door!? Your Onii-chan came to see you!
Ritsu: Ritsu Sakuma does not have a brother~ You got the wrong guy~
Rei: Why are you saying something so lonely, Ritsu!?
Rei: Look, I bought you a souvenir on my way back from work! I wanted to give it to you!

Rei: So could you open the door, pretty please?
Ritsu: No way. Don’t disturb me on my happy day off.
Rei: Uu, this unusually serious rejection is really shocking...
Mika: H-hey, Ritsu-kun. He did go through all the trouble of gettin' ya a souvenir, so wouldn't it be nice t' let him in the room just fer a lil' bit?
Ritsu: No way. Treat him nicely even once, and that shitty Anijia will take advantage.
Mika: But I'd feel real bad fer him if we chased him away like this...
Mika: S-so how 'bout I go out into the hallway an' get the souvenir fer ya? Does that sound good?

Ritsu: ......
Mika: (Ritsu-kun's makin' a face like he just swallowed a nasty bug... I guess he really doesn't wanna see him.)
Ritsu: ...Guess it can’t be helped. He’ll be a nuisance if he keeps making a fuss in the hallway like this.
Ritsu: Make sure you don’t leave any openings, Mikarin. Letting your guard down for even a moment can be fatal.

Mika: Fatal...?! U-understood! I'll come back alive fer sure!
Rei: Am I being treated like some kind of dangerous animal...? I’m just bringing you a souvenir...
Ritsu: Hah, that’s Anijia for you... And right when I was getting into a good mood.

Mika: ...Hehe.
Ritsu: Mikarin?
Mika: Ah, sorry, I started laughin' just now. 'S just always real rowdy whenever I'm with ya, Ritsu-kun.
Ritsu: Ah... Sorry, Mikarin. My Anijia was causing trouble.
Mika: Nah. ...Things bein' rowdy ain't necessarily a bad thing.
Mika: When I lived alone in my apartment, hardly anyone ever came t' visit like this.
Mika: I might not be used t' livin' together with other people I know at Starmony yet, but 's refreshing...
Mika: ...I think it could be fun. ♪
Ritsu: Well... I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Mikarin.

Ritsu: Anyway, let’s laze around together some more. I’m gonna make sure you remember this as the best day off ever. ♪
- The word Ritsu uses for underling here, 眷属, is sometimes used by vampires in media to refer to their servants. So Ritsu could be acting a bit chuunibyou here.
- Rei's model doesn't appear in the story after this point, since Ritsu shut the door on him and he's no longer visible.