Mika Kagehira / Happily Creating Away 2
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Anzu-chan, ya wanna hear about that solo exhibition?
It had a theme of turnin' everyday items into art, so there was stuff like earphones 'n bags sewn onto clothes.
Seein' a different way of makin' clothes got me inspired. ♪
That's pretty unique.

There was other interesting stuff too, like, um...?
Nnah~ I just can't put what I'm feelin' into words!
If ya ever find the time, Anzu-chan, ya should pay it a visit. Ya might get inspired too. ♪
That sounds like it'd be fun.

It is. ♪ Seein' other people's works really does make me feel wa~y more motivated to work on ma own.
I think the person who invited me ta the exhibition also thought it'd help with ma creative work.
I wanna hurry up an' finish ma work so that I can show it to Oshi-san... ♪