Mika Kagehira / Getting Ready in a Flurry! 3

Huh, ya wanna take me to the airport?
No no, yer prob'ly busy too, so it's fine, Anzu-chan.
...But, it is true that there ain't much time left 'fore boarding.
It's okay to accept my offer.

In that case, I'll take ya up on that.
I'll have ta repay the favor. What if I treat ya ta lunch next time?
I'll take ya to Naru-chan's favorite place that she told me about the other day.
Just give me a few minutes.

Got it, yer gonna move the car to the entrance.
In the meantime, I'll give ma luggage a once-over... 'M worried I might'a forgotten somethin'...
Well, Oshi-san's place should have everythin' I need, so it should be fine.