Mika Kagehira / A Simple Lunch 3

Mika: Oops, I've kept chatterin' on an' on... should we get goin' back t'ES?
Mika: It's not even noon yet, but the cold seems t'be gettin' stronger an' stronger...
Mika: Looks like it'll snow this evenin', so make sure to take care of yerself.
SELECT: Take care that you don't catch a cold.
Mika: It's the season when people get sick 'n tired all of a sudden after the new year...
Mika: You too, Anzu-chan; please don't take on too much work fer yerself.
SELECT: Make sure to stay warm.
Mika: Oh, that reminds me— I knitted a lap blanket the other day.
Mika: It became so much bigger than I wanted it to... what could'a went wrong?
SELECT Snow, huh...
Mika: The Deputy Director warned me t'be careful since it's s'posed t'snow a bunch tonight.
Mika: I got an interview tomorrow at ES, so it prob'ly won't get in the way of my work at all.