Kuro Kiryu / New Incentive 1

Kuro: Yo, Little Miss. Are you busy right now?
Kuro: Nah, it's not about work. The other day, you told me that there was some famous designer holding a clothing exhibition.
Kuro: I went, and it was pretty interesting. I wanted to give my thanks.
SELECT: Thank you for going out of your way for this.
Kuro: I could say the same to you. It'll be helpful for my own outfits, so thanks for letting me know.
Kuro: I still don't know if I'll have the chance to make use of what I learned... It sure was motivational, though.
SELECT: I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Kuro: Right... Every outfit was made with perfect attention to detail; you could definitely feel the designer's determination...
Kuro: They were arranged in a stage-like set, and the device lighting up the outfits was incredible... The display method itself was very interesting.
SELECT Did you go alone?
Kuro: Yeah. I tried inviting my sister, but got turned down because she already had plans with friends.
Kuro: Because of that, I could take my time looking around, so I think it was good to go alone, in the end.