raspberryjams' translations site.

Kuro Kiryu / Peaceful Time 3

Kuro: Well, then. I'd like to talk to you still, Little Miss, but I've gotta go before too long.

Kuro: I'm in the middle of making a costume. Work came to a standstill, so I went out for a bit and met up with you.

Kuro: Actually, I was the one who came to take a breather. Of course, it's fine if you still stay, Little Miss.

SELECT: Please show me next time.

Kuro: Haha, I can't refuse when you say that with such hope in your eyes.

Kuro: Got it, I'll show you the costume when it's finished. If I'm going to show it to you, then I'm even more fired up to finish it.

SELECT: Good work today.

Kuro: You, too. You still have work to do after this, right?

Kuro: I know you're busy, but if you ever have time again, we can meet and talk while drinking tea. ♪

SELECT Thank you very much.

Kuro: 'Course. Thanks to you, I also had a good break, so thanks.

Kuro: Let's both do our best in our work.