Mika Kagehira / Unexpected Free Time 1

Mika: Nnah~, what kinda...
Mika: Ah, Anzu-chan. Nn-uhh, I had individual work after this, but it was changed to a different day after the co-star suddenly got sick.
Mika: I've got some free time 'cause of that, so I'm just eatin' some food fer now.
SELECT: That's difficult.
Mika: I was surprised since I was contacted so suddenly, but I think it's really the staff who're havin' it rough.
Mika: With the actor's schedule adjustment an' such, there's prob'ly a lotta things t'do. That makes me think that I really oughta be more careful with my own health.
SELECT: That looks delicious.
Mika: Yeah, all the flavors comin' together in my mouth is real tasty ♪ Kiryu-senpai recommended this menu t'me before.
Mika: An' then, he told me that I'd better eat more, so I asked fer a lil' extra, but... I dunno if I can finish it all?
SELECT You should relax and take it easy every now and then.
Mika: That's right, but what kinda thing would be good t'do fer relaxin', specifically? Sewin' is anything but calmin', since I jus' end up concentratin' real hard...
Mika: Yea~h. It's real difficult t'figure out how y'should spend yer free time.