raspberryjams' translations site.

Mika Kagehira / Unexpected Free Time 2

Mika: Nn? Is this a movie ticket...? Yer givin' it t'me?

Mika: I see, y'got it 'cause of yer work. I'm real grateful; there're showin's later today, so I'll be able to kill some time there.

Mika: But, if ya give it t'me, then won't ya not be able to go? Is it really okay if ya don't get to see it, Anzu-chan?

SELECT: I have another one, so it's okay.

Mika: Ooh, got it. D'ya have work after this?

Mika: ...I see. With all the trouble ya went through, it'd have been nice if we coulda gone together.

SELECT: Since it's a horror movie...

Mika: I got it. 'Cause it's a horror movie, ya need a bit of courage t'go.

Mika: I guess there's nothin' y'can do about it in that case. I'll make sure to enjoy it on your behalf, Anzu-chan.

SELECT I don't have time to go see it.

Mika: Ahh... yer still as busy as ever, Anzu-chan...

Mika: Well then, I'll have to let ya know my thoughts on the movie after it's over. I'd be happy if I could make ya feel a bit like you were actually there. ♪