Mika Kagehira / Unexpected Free Time 3

Mika: Alri~ght. Well then, I'll go to the movie theater right after I'm done eatin' this meal.
Mika: ...Oh, right. I'm sorry that this is all I've got on me right now, but I'll give ya some candy as thanks.
Mika: Since there's a buncha different flavors, y'can pick whichever ones ya like, Anzu-chan. ♪ But if ya like 'em all, d'ya want all of them?
SELECT: Then, I'll take the strawberry flavor.
Mika: Strawberry flavor... Anzu-chan, did'ya choose the flavor with the most left over?
Mika: Y'don't gotta be all thoughtful like that; I want ya to take yer favorite flavor.
SELECT: Thank you.
Mika: Of course. It's not at all worthy enough to be thanks fer the movie ticket.
Mika: Rather than that, I should be thanking you, Anzu-chan. 'Cause of you, I have a good way to kill time... ♪
SELECT All of them might be too much.
Mika: Nnah~, that's also true. If I gave ya all of 'em, yer pockets would probably be burstin' at the seams.
Mika: Well then, please take as much as you'd like, Anzu-chan. ♪