Mika Kagehira / Reason for Poor Condition 3

Mika: ...Phew. I think that turned out a whole lot better than before.
Mika: I'm real relieved that we could get back on track by the end of the day.
Mika: It's all thanks t'ya, Anzu-chan, fer givin' me all kinda feedback. Thank ya muchly. ♪
SELECT: It's no problem.
Mika: Nfufu. Ya really are reliable, Anzu-chan.
Mika: I want Oshi-san to be able to think I'm reliable, too, so I've gotta work even harder.
SELECT: I didn't do anything significant.
Mika: It might not be anything important from yer perspective, Anzu-chan, but it means a lot t'me.
Mika: So, I'd be happy if ya weren't so modest about it.
SELECT You're a hard worker.
Mika: It's embarrassin' to be told somethin' like that... I was only able to get back on track 'cause ya were watchin' over me, Anzu-chan.
Mika: Again, thank ya muchly. I'm gonna do my best to keep practicin' a bit more, until I can reach where I wanna be.