Shu Itsuki / Toys and Childhood 1

Shu: ...Girl. I've been wondering this for some time: what is inside of that large paper bag?
Shu: You purchased a playing house set from the nearby toy shop? You likely cannot play by yourself, so why would you buy that sort of thing?
Shu: ...I see. You are going to bring it as a gift for the child actor you'll meet at the next shoot?
SELECT: Do you think they'll like it?
Shu: Even if you ask me, since I am not that child, I cannot answer that question.
Shu: However, if you chose that item with all of your heart, then it will not be disregarded. I'm sure that sort of sincerity will be conveyed, even to children.
SELECT: Before this...
Shu: I see; you recalled that child actor mentioning that they wanted a playing house set?
Shu: That sort of thoughtfulness for people, regardless of if they are an adult or a child... I suppose you could say that is a virtue of yours.
SELECT This is unexpectedly heavy.
Shu: Well, because it is in that large of a paper bag, it is natural that it would weigh that much.
Shu: With that said, if you are having trouble carrying it, it would be good to call for a company car. You have the privilege to do that much, do you not?