HEART to YOU FES / Talk 30
Characters: Mika, Hiyori, Aira, Rinne

Aira: ...I found it! The can badges! And you don't know which idol's badge you'll get!
Hiyori: I followed you because you said you had things to do at the sales corner, but this is what you really wanted, right?
Mika: Looks like they're picked at random from a whole bunch'a different kinds. Ah— there's some that look t'be a secret type, too.
Rinne: This is interesting! Heyyy! We should all play a game and try our luck together!
Hiyori: Fufu, sounds fun— I accept your challenge. I'll be sure to pull one of the secret ones. ♪
Mika: I wonder if I should go ahead an' buy one, too... Yeah, I'll get that one. ♪
Aira: Since I wanted them all, I was just going to buy the entire box, but... something like this is fun once in a while, too... ♪