HEART to YOU FES / Talk 34
Characters: Ritsu, Arashi, Mika, Mayoi

Mayoi: (It has been terribly crowded everywhere... Success is a good thing, but I feel as if I may become sick from the sheer number of people...)
Arashi: Oh, Mayoi-chan? ...Are you okay? You look awfully pale.
Mika: Nnah~ Ayase-kun, y'said before that y'don't like crowds, right?
Mayoi: Uu, I'm sorry, pardon me... Please don't worry about me...!
Ritsu: We were just talking about going somewhere to take a break. Mayo-Mayo, come with us.
Mika: After gettin' a lil' rest, y'might feel better? C'mon, everyone, let's go. ♪
Mayoi: Th-thank you very much...? Everyone's kindness is reaching my soul very deeply...