Enstars Memory Lane / Valkyrie
Characters: Mika, Shu

Mika: What I did “back in the day”... Like doin' part time jobs at the school, an' bein' in the handicrafts club...?
Mika: Ah, does bein' on stage in the underground live house count?
Shu: Fumu, the underground stage, hm? The building may have been small, but that location provided us with some very valuable experiences.
Shu: I would say that that stage is truly fundamental when speaking of the history of Valkyrie in any capacity.
Mika: But I got real startled when Tenshouin-senpai showed up that one time. Though, he was still the president of the student council then.

Mika: It did lead to us performin' in the Tanabata Festival, but... When I remember all the dumb stuff he said to us, it still makes me mad~!
Shu: Kagehira. We're in the middle of filming—calm yourself.
Shu: Besides, did we or did we not completely outdo fine with our performance on the Tanabata stage?

Mika: ...Yeah. The actual result of the competition was disappointin', but I didn't think fer even a second that we were inferior.
Mika: After performin' in Tanabata, we started joinin' other DreFes at school, too. I'm sure that it was the reason we did—I know that much.
Shu: DreFes... The sound of that is already so nostalgic. Halloween Party, Star Festival, Chocolate Festival... Repayment Festival.

Mika: The Repayment Festival, huh... I wasn't even gonna participate in it, 'till I heard from Naru-chan...
Mika: I was thinkin' our performance of triumphal return on the underground stage was gonna be the very last stage I'd ever get t' do together with ya, Oshi-san, y'know?
Shu: After that performance, although it was a necessary step in us building a new relationship... I said some things that upset you terribly.
Mika: Nnagh~, that's right. Since I thought o' myself as nothin' more than a doll back then. When ya told me that ya wanted me t' become human, I was a bit surprised.

Shu: Is that incident really something that you can reconcile as mere surprise? Well, if that's how you wish to see it, then I have no objection.

Shu: Aah, I remember that stage like it was yesterday. The tragicomedy we had spun together, the dreams you spoke of as a human being—
Mika: ...♪

Shu: ...Hmph. Kagehira, are you even listening to me? You're aware that I'm talking about you at the moment, right?

Mika: Ahaha, my bad. Our relationship might've changed since then, but I'm sooo glad that we can still be Valkyrie together, Oshi-san, just like back then... It just makes me so happy. ♪