Album Release Commemoration: Valkyrie Solo Live / MC 1
Characters: Mika, Shu

Shu: "3, 2, 1—0."
Mika: "The time has come. From the future to the past, the hands of the clock wind back."
Shu: "Dear seekers, welcome to the 'Library of Blessings'. Let us give you a warm reception from the depths of our hearts."
Shu: "This is a library of mystery located in the space between worlds. It is a place where knowledge from all times and places—unbeknownst to anyone—assemble."
Shu: "Stored within are lost stories as well as people's hopes and dreams."
Mika: "That's right. From the secrets of ancient times to the foresight of the future, all knowledge exists here."
Mika: "This library has a law. That is—"
Shu & Mika: "There is only one thing you may carry back with you: your memories."
Shu: "No books or materials are permitted to be taken to the outside world."
Mika: "Do not ever succumb to temptation, lest you be imprisoned for eternity within this space."
Mika: "Now then—tonight, the tale we weave is about Valkyrie."
Mika: "They burn with the very essence of their souls, chasing after beauty and creating everything imaginable."
Shu: "While following in the footsteps of those artists together, shall we touch upon a fragment of the truth?"
Mika: "...Our time is up. Let us open the cover on the first story, 'Acanthe'."
Shu: "Seekers, have you prepared yourselves?"
Shu: "Let us cherish the lingering fragrance of remembrance—"