Album Release Commemoration: Valkyrie Solo Live / MC 3
Characters: Mika, Shu

Shu: "Now then. We shall introduce you to an opera."
Shu: "It is the tale of a young man who lives in a certain town and falls in love."
Shu: "The young man had fallen in love with a young lady who didn't exist—she was a doll placed by the window of a mansion."
Shu: "That doll was created by a male doll maker in the image of himself dressed as a woman."
Mika: "The young man and the doll maker were charmed by one another. Whenever the young man visits, the doll maker hastily dresses up and plays the part of a young lady."
Mika: "And yet, their happiness did not last forever; it was tossed about and vanished in the waves of the era."
Mika: "Is this a tragedy? Or is it a comedy?"
Shu: "I don't know the answer. That opera was a one-time, exceedingly personal event."
Shu: "The truth submerges into overwritten myths, hereafter never to be spoken of again, for eternity."
Shu: "As with a shooting star, it vanished into the deep cosmos. However, that light... Even now, its brilliance continues to shine within my heart."
Shu: "Well then, let us depart for the next story—'Labyrinthine Electronic Corridor'."