Album Release Commemoration: Valkyrie Solo Live / MC 5
Characters: Mika, Shu

Mika: "That was 'Dreaming Architecture'~ Everyone, whadd'ya think of my performance?"
Mika: "...Ahaha. Thank y'all kindly fer so much applause~"
Mika: "'Cause 's such a special solo song, I tried comin' up with the choreography by m'self."
Mika: "My heart was thuddin' real hard all nervous-like t'see what kinda reaction it'd get, but 'm glad y'all liked it~ ♪"
Mika: "Ah, right. After singin' my solo song, I was told t'do a self-introduction."
Mika: "Uhhm, I'm Mika Kagehira of Valkyrie. Nice t'meet y'all~ ♪"
Mika: "A lotta y'all might already know this, but I aim t'become an artist who can stand next t'Oshi-san with self-confidence."
Shu: "—Hmph, honestly, Kagehira, you could stand to have more confidence in yourself, don't you think?"
Mika: "Nnah, Oshi-sa~n! Since when were ya watchin'?"
Shu: "It has been arranged this way since the beginning, hasn't it? Here, is it not time to rouse yourself once more?"
Shu: "The next song that we will convey is 'Eternal Weaving'—let us now give shape to our vision."