Album Release Commemoration: Valkyrie Solo Live / MC 6
Characters: Mika, Shu

Shu: "Well then, I shall also introduce myself. I am Shu Itsuki of Valkyrie."
Mika: "Th' two of us together are Valkyrie; 's real nice t'meet y'all~"
Shu: "...The substance of what you're saying is correct, but that tone makes us sound like a comedy duo."
Mika: "For real? Which one of us 's the straight man, and which one's the funny man?"
Shu: "What are you talking about? We are not a comedy duo."
Mika: "Nnah~ I messed up an' got scolded. Yer th' one who said we're like a comedy duo, though, Oshi-san."
Shu: "You're grumbling and being noisy, Kagehira."
Shu: "We cannot be here chattering away forever. I shall make preparations for this next song."
Mika: "Since I performed a solo song, that means—"
Mika: "...Nfufu, hit dead on th' nail. ♪ Next up 's Oshi-san's solo song."
Mika: "Looks like preparations're complete. As expected of Oshi-san, he gets his work done fast~ ♪"
Mika: "Well then, please listen closely to Shu Itsuki's 'Amor Vincit Omnia'."
Mika: "Nfufu. It's embarrassin' t'call Oshi-san 'Shu Itsuki' like that... ♪"