Album Release Commemoration: Valkyrie Solo Live / MC 7
Characters: Mika, Shu

Mika: "Oshi-san's solo song was real cool an' stylish~ ♪"
Mika: "This might be an unrefined question, but what's the title 'Amor Vincit Omnia' mean?"
Shu: "It is Latin for 'love conquers all'. True art is unable to be created without the existence of love. I hope you all can sense my love by listening to this song."
Shu: "The live is at last reaching its conclusion, but..."
Shu: "Kagehira, it appears that you have something you would like to say?"
Mika: "Nn? But I don' have nothin'?"
Shu: "Even if that is the case, you should say something. I am not particularly fond of idly talking onstage."
Mika: "Nnah~ 'M stumped when dumped into it so suddenly. 'M still not used t' this."
Shu: "It cannot be helped. As a means of filling the empty space, I shall offer exposition for the sake of those who are unaware of the circumstances."
Shu: "Valkyrie does not value onstage chatter. It contradicts my aesthetics."
Shu: "If you found yourself mesmerized by the production of the first half of our live, then you should attend its remainder."
Shu: "We will present a stage so perfect that there is not a single opening in which one could thread a needle."
Shu: "...It appears that preparations are complete. Hereout, we will convey two songs in succession."
Shu: "We shall make our first song resound: 'Gaisenka'."