Ougonten / Chronicle of Dragon's Ascent Chapter 3
Characters: Mitsuru, Mika, Nagisa

Mitsuru: U~hm, at this moment, Mika-nii~chan... Yea~h, writing's pretty hard after all.
Mika: (Mitsuru-kun, it looks like yer concentratin' real hard. Like this, even if I move a lil' loudly, I won't be noticed.)
Mika: (An' even if I don't catch Mitsuru-kun, Ran-senpai will be lyin' in wait at the entrance of the library.)
Mitsuru: ...Is this one finished? All right, lemme reread it again!
Mika: (At any rate, I'm the one sneakin' up behind Mitsuru-kun this time. It's been the other way 'round 'till now, so this might be kinda interesting...)
Mika: (Or maybe it's more like I'm shakin' with nervous energy. I wonder if Mitsuru-kun has been feelin' the same way when followin' me around?)
Mika: (Tch, no good, no good! If I think about too much stuff, I'll mess up again.)
Mika: (This time, I'm here t' set things straight! Get ready, Mitsuru-kun. Today's the day all our runnin' after each other ends.)
Mika: Mitsuru-kun! Today, I'm gonna have a chat with ya fer sure—
Mitsuru: Yippee~! I'm finally done~♪
Mika: —Gwah?!

Mitsuru: Huh? Mika-nii~chan, what're ya doing here?
Mika: Owie... Ya standin' up so suddenly scared me an' I fell right onto my back.
Mitsuru: Sorry, Mika-nii~chan. It would've been really bad if you got hurt.
Mika: I'm completely fine, so please don't worry 'bout it. I was the one tryna sneak around in the first place...
Mika: Nnah~! That's right, I was hidin' in secret so that ya wouldn't get away, Mitsuru-kun!
Mitsuru: ? Mika-nii~chan, do you wanna play hide-and-seek?
Mitsuru: Ah, if that's the case, then I have more to write! I gotta hurry and add it!
Mika: ...Huh? Whaddya mean by addin' more? Or actually, why aren't ya runnin' away?
Mitsuru: Huh? Why would I wanna run away from you, Mika-nii~chan?
Mitsuru: Oh, 'cause of hide-and-seek? In that case, I want you to count down!
Mika: No, that's not it... Huh?

Nagisa: ...Apparently, it seems that there was no need to take such measures from the start.
Mitsuru: Oh, Nagisa-senpai! Hey there!
Nagisa: ...Hello. I'm relieved to see that you're as lively as always, Tenma-kun.
Mitsuru: Yeah! I'm full of energy today too! Since I finished my book report assignment, I feel really great now. ♪
Nagisa: ...So that's why you were in the library. Mika-kun mentioned that it's unusual for you to be here.
Mika: Y-yeah. Ya don't seem like the type t' ever stay still. Anyway, that ain't important right now!
Mika: Mitsuru-kun, ain'tcha gonna run away from me again today? Oh, an' I'm not sayin' that 'cause I wanna play hide-and-seek.
Mitsuru: Hm~m... But if that's the case, then there's no reason for me to run away from you? Since I already finished writing the book report~?
Mika: Book report? Does that have somethin' t' do with me?
Mitsuru: Yep. I've been watching you and wrote down my thoughts and observations!

Mika: ...Uhm hu~h? Nn-huhh?
Mika: 'S no use, I don't get it. Whaddya mean by that?
Nagisa: ...I wonder why Tenma-kun wrote about Mika-kun in his book report. I think you normally write about your thoughts on books you've read.
Mitsuru: At first, I thought about doing that. But no matter what I read, it made me sleepy...
Mitsuru: So I looked online to see if there were any books with idols that I could read, and there was a short story with Mika-nii~chan as the main character!
Mika: Huh~, fer real? A story where I'm the main character...
Mika: Nnah? A... story? Where I'm the main character?

Mika: ...
Mika: Uh, yer jokin', right? There's no way a story like that exists in this world.
Mitsuru: No, there really is. If you look it up online, you'll find it!
Nagisa: ...If that story really does exist, why were you investigating the real Mika-kun?
Mitsuru: Ehehe... To be honest, I couldn't really read that story either. I only read the first part but still ended up being sleepy!
Mitsuru: That's why I investigated what Mika-nii~chan does on a daily basis and wrote my book report based on that!
Mitsuru: After all, isn't it a story with Mika-nii~chan as the main character? If that's the case, if I write about Mika-nii~chan, then the book report will definitely be good!
Nagisa: ...I see. If written originally with rigorous research, Tenma-kun's report may certainly become a nonfiction story about Mika-kun.
Mika: Can ya hold on a moment? I really can't catch up t' where y'all're at right now...
Nagisa: ...By the way, what kind of story is the one featuring Mika-kun?
Mitsuru: Lemme see, if I remember correctly, Mika-nii~chan becomes a god and saves the world... or was it a subjugation? It might've been destruction.
Mitsuru: I dunno the rest since I only read the beginning, but it was about that kinda thing!
Mika: Now 's super unbelievable! Me as a god... How the heck does that kinda thing even happen?
Mika: Oh, maybe ya misheard the word "paper"? Or it coulda been "hair"... [1]
Mitsuru: Nope! I can say for sure that you were a very important god! You were a god like in my and Nagisa-senpai's "God Team!"
Nagisa: ...I see. I never expected Mika-kun becoming a god. I would also like to read that story.

Mika: Y'all're way too invested in this! Nnah~, what the hell's really goin' on?!
- "God" (神), "paper" (紙), and "hair" (髪) all share the same reading, kami (かみ).