Ougonten / Chronicle of Dragon's Ascent Chapter 5
Characters: Mitsuru, Mika, Nagisa
Time: A few days later

Mika: Nnah~... How'd this kinda thing even end up happenin'?
Mitsuru: Cheer up, Mika-nii~chan! Hang in there!
Mika: My bad, Mitsuru-kun. I know I gotta pull myself together, but...
Mika: But I never thought somethin' like this would happen when leavin' it up t' Ran-senpai.
Nagisa: ...I'm sorry. I didn't expect this either. My apologies, but the result did turn out to be unexpected and a little amusing.
Mika: Amusin', huh... I'm seriously worried about it~! I really shouldn'ta left it up t' ya, Ran-senpai!
Mitsuru: But didn't you also agree to Nagisa-senpai's strategy, Mika-nii~chan?
Mika: Uuu... I thought it was a good idea when I was jus' listen' to it.
Nagisa: ...While the trend of Mika-kun as a god was popular on social media, I introduced a plot twist where I appeared as a new god.
Nagisa: ...It was a strategy done so that the trend's focus would shift from Mika-kun to myself.
Nagisa: ...When I adopt "God Mode," I'm able to appear in and handle a context where I take the role of a god without feeling out of place.
Mitsuru: In reality, everyone was super excited about Nagisa-senpai's appearance!
Mitsuru: That first post was also written by Nagisa-senpai and went viral on social media, right?
Nagisa: ...I had made sure that my display name and account couldn't be traced back to me.
Nagisa: ...I would use that account to bring down the god Mika-kun and make preparations for me to take his place as a new god.
Nagisa: ...Afterwards, I was planning to begin weaving a new tale in which all the fans would regard me as a god in the same manner as when Mika-kun became a god.

Mika: But what happened is jus' that the number of gods grew t' two, yeah~? Why'd it turn out that me an' Ran-senpai're rulin' over the world together like we're friends?
Mika: If I'm gonna be rulin' over the world with anyone, I'd rather it be with Oshi-san!
Mitsuru: I'm glad that Nagisa-senpai and Mika-nii~chan have become friends!
Nagisa: ...I'm also surprised at how unexpectedly powerful the influence of Mika-kun as a god is.
Mika: I actually gotta feelin' that it's even more intense than before...
Nagisa: ...The existence of adversaries is vital as a component to enliven a story with. Evidently, I was perfectly suited for that role.
Nagisa: ...Mika-kun and I are ruling the world together peacefully now, but the process to get there was certainly like a battle of the gods.
Nagisa: ...Fufu. It was exceedingly interesting to see people come up with developments that I never would have thought of.
Nagisa: ...In particular, I'll praise the author who wrote about Mika-kun becoming "Ougonten" and scattering gold coins, leading to me nearly drowning in a sea of them.
Nagisa: ...If you interpret it as Mika-kun slapping me on the cheek with a wad of bills, it's quite funny... ♪

Mika: Yer as hard t' understand as ever, Ran-senpai. How're ya findin' any of this funny?
Nagisa: ...Was it not funny? It was certainly a climactic moment when I activated "God Mode" and split the sea of gold coins.
Mika: No, I don't care about that kinda thing. My problem's that we never ended up reachin' any sort'a solution.
Nagisa: ...I'm sorry about that. Needless to say, I was unable to oust you from the pedestal of godhood, Mika-kun.
Nagisa: ...Though, if you think about it, the story of the novel this time was started by your fans, Mika-kun. They would never allow a story to be made where you're defeated.
Mitsuru: But in the end, everyone, from Mika-nii~chan's fans to Nagisa-senpai's, got along and enjoyed the story.
Nagisa: ...Indeed. That was the most unexpected thing. Rather than our fans fighting, they influenced one another and got along well.
Nagisa: ...In that sense, I don't think my intervention this time was completely bad.
Mika: Well, that's true, but...
Nagisa: ...Ultimately, this is no more than a temporary trend. If we wait it out, it will die down sooner or later.
Nagisa: ...Doing various things poorly to try and stop it may simply rouse the public again, just as what happened this time.
Nagisa: ...I believe the best solution is to quietly watch over the situation without overreacting.
Mika: I guess if we just wait fer everyone t' get tired of it, we don't gotta do anythin' unnecessary.
Mika: Yea~h. If that's the case, I guess it's fine, but... Sigh.
Mitsuru: Mika-nii~chan, are you alright? That was a huge sigh.
Mika: Aah, yep. I'm fine, Mitsuru-kun. Thank ya kindly fer worryin' about me.
Mika: ...The fact that all my fans're writin' novels with me as the main character, an' they're all excited about it.

Mika: If they're happy, I'm happy. Since I think they're doin' it 'cause they love me.
Mika: But I'm still just'a rookie. Bein' treated like a god jus' makes me feel real uneasy.
Mika: I'm not that big a deal. It's like my name is takin' on a life of its own...
Mitsuru: Mika-nii~chan...
Mitsuru: I kinda get what you're feeling a bit too, Mika-nii~chan.
Mitsuru: I've only ever had cool roles, so I've formed an image of myself as this kind of cool person.
Mitsuru: So that's why I thought everyone was wanting that kind of version of myself...
Mitsuru: It's a little like they don't see the real me, so it's kinda lonely.
Mika: I feel like sayin' I'm lonely is a lil' different from what it is. But... yer right.
Mika: Even then, don'tcha keep gettin' cool roles, Mitsuru-kun? Don'tcha think it's tough?

Mitsuru: Yep! Because it's fun to play the role of a cool person!
Mitsuru: Mika-nii~chan, aren't you also happy that people are writing novels with you as the main character?
Mika: 'S like I said before. I'm lucky t' have people who'll accept me no matter what form I take.
Mitsuru: In that case, it's good if you're treasured like that, Mika-nii~chan!
Mika: Huh? Whaddya mean, treasure me?
Mitsuru: We~ll... I dunno! I don't really get difficult things either!
Mitsuru: But I think the most important thing is that you're happy, Mika-nii~chan!
Mitsuru: I think you should enjoy the parts of it that make you happy!
Mika: ...I see. I kinda understood what ya wanna say, Mitsuru-kun.
Mika: I was thinkin' about it all too much, but it might be a good idea t' jus' enjoy what's happenin' at the moment.
Mika: Well then, I'll try an' enjoy myself a lil' more, what with me becomin' a god an' all. ♪
Nagisa: ...Do you think you can say that you've been able to sort through your feelings?

Mika: Yeah. Thanks t' you, Mitsuru-kun, I managed t' break through my doubts. Thank ya very much. ♪
Mitsuru: Ehehe! If you're feeling better, Mika-nii~chan, then I'm happy too!
Mika: Ran-senpai, too... There's a lotta things I wanna say, but this time, thank ya kindly fer helpin' me out.
Nagisa: ...Fufu. I don't think I was able to be of much help this time, though.
Mika: Don't fret over all the lil' details! Please accept my thanks.
Nagisa: ...Yes, I'm glad to have your gratitude. I will be happy, as well.