Ougonten / Chronicle of Dragon's Ascent Chapter 6
Characters: Mitsuru, Mika, Aira
Time: A few days later

Mitsuru: I'm back~! There's freshly baked bread waiting for me!
Aira: Ufufu. There was a lot of tasty-looking bread. I'm looking forward to having some now myself... ♪
Aira: I'm glad the bakery back there had a lot to choose from. I might go there from now on. ♪
Mitsuru: Ehehe, I'm happy you liked it. I'm glad I invited you, Ai-chan!
Aira: You bought a lot of bread, Tenma-senpai, but will you be able to eat that much?
Mitsuru: It's fine! I'd rather eat a lot. After all, this is my reward for working so hard on writing my book report!
Aira: Book report, huh? Now that you mention it, I got assigned some homework today too.
Aira: What did you read about, Tenma-senpai?
Mitsuru: I read a short story Hajime-chan picked out for me. I wanted one with the simplest contents possible.
Aira: Hmm... Shino-senpai chose your book?
Aira: I wonder if Shino-senpai would be able to recommend some books for me too if I ask him. I'll talk with him in a bit. ♪
Mitsuru: More importantly, Ai-chan, let's hurry up and eat our bread. It's gonna get cold!
Aira: Alright. Before eating, I'll make some tea. ♪ If we're drinking it with bread, I'll go with black tea for sure.

Mika: Ah, it's Mitsuru-kun an' Shiratori-kun. I'm back~
Mitsuru: Mika-nii~chan! Welcome back~!
Aira: Would you like to have some tea with us, Kagehira-senpai? We've got some tasty bread too.
Mika: Ya sure? I'll have some too if ya got it. There's somethin' I want y'all t' see.
Mitsuru: You wanna show us something? What is it, I'm curious!
Mika: I think it's inside my bag... Ah, found it.
Mika: What do y'all think about this?
Mitsuru: Way too cool! This outfit drawing is so cool!
Aira: This is a rough design of the outfit, right? Uwah, it's the best to get to see your designs freshly-made like this, Kagehira-senpai!
Aira: And this outfit is something new that hasn't been seen from Valkyrie before...
Aira: Is there any chance that this outfit will be used in Valkyrie's next live?
Mika: Ah, sorry fer gettin' yer hopes up. This outfit ain't gonna be worn fer a live. This is jus' somethin' I drew while takin' a breather.
Mika: There was this novel from the other day. I came up with a good design based on th' story, so I thought I'd draw it.
Aira: A novel? What's it about?
Mitsuru: You mean the story where you became a god, right, Mika-nii~chan?
Aira: Huh?! What do you mean, Kagehira-senpai became a god?
Mika: Ahaha... Actually, a novel where I was turned into a god went viral online.
Aira: That kind of novel exists?! Uwah, I must've missed it!
Mika: Ahaha, well, it's a derivative work written by fans.
Mika: I tried readin' it too. But it was real embarrassin' fer me t' be treated like a god like that.
Mika: Seriously, why'd they gimme an exaggerated name like "Ougonten" an' turn me into a golden dragon?
Mika: What kinda train of thought d'ya gotta have t' come up with somethin' like turnin' me into a dragon?
Aira: Huh, Kagehira-senpai as a golden dragon...
Aira: And the golden dragon is called "Ougonten"...?
Mika: What's th' matter, Shiratori-kun?
Aira: Umm, hold on a moment, please. There's something I really need to look up...
Aira: ...
Mitsuru: Ai-chan, what's wrong?! You turned super pale. Maybe you're sick?
Aira: No, it's just that I noticed something kinda bad a tad too late...
Aira: Umm, so Kagehira-senpai became a dragon named "Ougonten"...?
Mika: That's right, but what's really troublin' ya?

Aira: —Kagehira-senpai, I'm sorry!
Aira: Th-that is... I was probably the one to start calling you "Ougonten," Kagehira-senpai!
Mika: Huh?! Then were you also the one who wrote the novel that turned me into a god, Shiratori-kun?
Aira: I didn't write the novel! All I did was post my thoughts from watching "The Mechanical God" on social media!
Aira: At that moment, you looked too divine, Kagehira-senpai. The money that you scattered around looked just like the scales of a dragon...
Aira: And I got so excited that I thought, "He's the Dragon God~!" and named you "Ougonten."
Mika: S-so that's what happened. By the way, why "Ougonten?" 'S such a fancy an' exaggerated name.
Aira: Well, when talking about a god of money, doesn't it remind you of Daikokuten? "Ougonten" is a bit of a pun on that. [1]
Aira: Since at that moment, you were glittering so much with all of that money, Kagehira-senpai!
Mika: Come t' think of it, ya said somethin' similar when ya were talkin' about yer thoughts before, Shiratori-kun.
Mika: I see. So what ya posted then is how it all started.
Aira: Yes. So... I'm very sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable!
Mika: Ya don't gotta apologize like that. I don't mind anymore.
Aira: R-really?
Mika: Yep. It's exactly because of yer words, Shiratori-kun, that I was able t' draw this outfit design.
Mika: I've gotten a lotta inspiration an' thought up plenty of creative ideas~ ♪
Aira: I'm glad~. I was wondering what I would do if I was causing trouble for you, Kagehira-senpai...
Mitsuru: Hey hey, Mika-nii~chan. Why don't you show that outfit design to Anzu-nee~chan?
Mika: Huh, to Anzu-chan? But I jus' drew this design fer fun while takin' a breather.
Mitsuru: But it's such a good design, it'd be kind of a waste to leave it as is!
Aira: That's right! You showed the design to us because you wanted someone to see it, right?
Mika: ...Yeah. Yer right, maybe it would be good t' at least show it off.
Mika: But if I show Anzu-chan, there's some parts I wanna add a lil' more detail to first. If I don't improve the quality, I won't even be able t' show Oshi-san.
Mitsuru: Woah, as expected of Mika-nii~chan. That outift is still gonna be cool-looking, right?
Aira: I'm excited to see what the design will turn out to be. ♪ Please, you have to show me when it's done.

Mika: Of course! Thank ya lots, both of ya. Fer cheerin' me on.
Mika: When th' design is finished, I'll definitely show y'all, so please wait fer me. ♪
- Daikokuten (大黒天) is a god of wealth.